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[기타]볼랜드 씨에 대해서 질문
member photo 강력세탁 1 2,150 0 2004-01-12 22:40:03
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새천사 2004.01.13(화) 오전 09:33:15
Compiling CircleMUD
under Microsoft Windows 95 or Windows NT
using Borland C++

Written by Mundi King <>

Here are some instructions on compiling circlemud using Borland C++ 5.01.
These instructions will not work using Turbo C++, or the 4.0 versions of
Borland C++ as those two products were geared twoards DOS and Windows 3.xx.

It will most likely work with versions 5.00, 5.02, and 5.5 of the Borland
C++ compilers.

Boot up your Windows 95 machine.

Unzip your CircleMUD package.

Goto a DOS prompt, and change to the circle \src directory.

(Type) rename conf.h (Enter)

** BORLAND 5.5 **
If you are using Borland C++ 5.5, a couple of extra changes need to be
made at this time. First you have to make sure the bin directory of the
tools is in your path. You can add the following line to your autoexec.bat
to have it automatically added to your path or you can type it at a DOS
path = %path%;c:\borland\bcc55\bin

(Type) make -fmakefile.bcc55 (Enter)

** BORLAND 5.1 **
(Type) make -fmakefile.bcc (Enter)

** End Version Specifics **

Something to note here is that these makefile
assume that you have installed Borland C++ 5.x
to the C: drive. If you have installed it to
another drive you will have to open up the correct
Makefile in a text editor and find and replace
all C:\ references to the drive letter it has
been installed to.

(Type) move circle.exe ..\ (Enter)

(Type) cd .. (Enter)

(Type) circle (Enter)

The game should start loading the zones and database. You will no longer be
able to type in this DOS box.

Click on START and then on RUN.

(Type) telnet localhost 4000 (Enter)

The first one to logon becomes the Implentor.
Also remember that you are using Windows95's
built-in telnet program which is very basic.

Pat yourself on the back.

Mundi King 1998-07-03
Updated for 5.5: 2000-06-28
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  [기타]질문 답변 외 글은 자유 게시판에 올려 주세요... 머드클럽 4371 0 0 2004-01-01
54 [hanlp] 소스좀 부탁해도 되나요~? [3] 2122 0 0 2004-01-18
53 [기타] sscanf 질문 드립니다. [2] 1910 0 0 2004-01-18
52 [mordor] 마계지바 라는 머드아시면 꼭 봐주세요 이상국 2328 0 0 2004-01-18
51 [hanlp] 다시.... 소스 부탁 [6] Xerxes 1879 0 0 2004-01-17
50 [기타] 저기요 ./mudch 치면 다음과 같은 에러메세지가 뜹니다 [1] 데모닉 1779 0 0 2004-01-17
49 [hanlp] 오래전에 공개된 야망소스좀 올려주세요.. &미카엘& 1887 0 0 2004-01-17
48 [hanlp] 소스를 만들어달라는... ^^; [3] Xerxes 1797 0 0 2004-01-16
47 [기타] 얽 그런데요.. [3] 김지성 1914 0 0 2004-01-16
46 [circle] 신세계 2.5 에 대한 안좋은 추억. . . [4] 최루탄 2364 0 0 2004-01-16
45 [기타] 저도 마찬가지로 크리스님이랑 동일임니다. [2] 파천 1848 0 0 2004-01-16
44 [기타] bbs접속관련.. [3] 크리스Kof 2167 0 0 2004-01-15
43 [기타] [제3의눈]질문이요 자동실행 스크립트..... 데모닉 2031 0 0 2004-01-14
42 [hanlp] 소스가 어디가 잘못 되었는지... [2] Xerxes 2049 0 0 2004-01-14
41 [기타] 볼랜드 씨에 대해서 질문 [1] 강력세탁 2151 0 0 2004-01-12
40 [기타] 질문하나 할께용[제3의눈] [4] 파천 2112 0 0 2004-01-12
39 [기타] 영자님 한게더요.. [2] 파천 2028 0 0 2004-01-12
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37 [hanlp] 질문이요 [1] 최루탄 1859 0 0 2004-01-11
36 [기타] 이 사이트의 대해서 정확한 설명이 모자른듯 합니다. [13] 그런가 1928 0 0 2004-01-11
35 [기타] 저기요 관리자 질문.. 파천 2092 0 0 2004-01-10
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